Veterans’ Services
Veterans of the United States armed forces may be eligible for a broad range of benefits and services provided by the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Eligibility for benefits is based upon discharge from active military service. Benefits can include healthcare, service connected disability, improved pension, home loan, education and burial benefits. In some cases a surviving spouse may also be eligible for VA benefits. A veterans discharge papers (DD-214) are needed to verify service for VA benefits. A Veterans Services office can assist with requesting a replacement copy of a veteran’s discharge papers and with applying for VA benefits.
Military personnel records can include DD-214, discharge papers, service personnel records, and service medical records. These documents contain information normally needed to verify military service for VA benefits. Discharge papers are also required for burial in state veterans’ cemeteries. If a veteran’s DD-214 has been misplaced or lost, please call Knox County Veterans’ Services for assistance. If the veteran is deceased, a copy of the death certificate will be required by the National Archives when requesting a replacement copy.
There is no specific time frame for the VA to make a decision after an application has been filed. For more information on specific benefits, visit www.va.gov or call the Knox County Veterans Services Office.
American Red Cross: 584-2999
6921 Middlebrook Pike, 37909
Provides information and referral, emergency transportation for veterans for VA appointments within the state, emergency communication for and between active military personnel and their families worldwide, provides access to 24/7 financial assistance to active military personnel, retired military personnel (veterans), and to widows or widowers of retired military personnel.
Ben Atchley Tennessee State Veterans’ Home: 862-8100
One Veterans Way, 37931
Skilled nursing facility offering short-term rehabilitation and long-term care options for honorably discharged veterans, veteran spouses, and Gold Star parents.
Knox County Veterans’ Services: 215-5645
Knox Central Building, 1000 N. Central St., Box 6, 37917
Assists veterans and family members with filing for VA benefits. Conducts quarterly outreach at all Knox County Senior Centers and the O’Connor Senior Center. Visit www.knoxcounty.org/veterans/ for dates and times. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 am to 4 pm. Appointment required.
Tennessee Department of Veterans’ Services: 279-8203 or 507-8009 or 722-0341
9047 Executive Park Drive, Suite 208, 37923
Information about VA benefits. Help in filing claims and other paperwork. Assists veterans with pre-registration to State Veteran Cemeteries.
U .S . Department of Veterans’ Affairs: 1-800-827-1000
VA benefits including information about education programs; home loans; disability; VA medical care; burial, survivors’, and insurance benefits; and more. Automated phone system; have Social Security or VA number available. Visit www.va.gov for more information.
VA Medical Center: 1-423-926-1171
James H. Quillen VAMC, Mountain Home, TN
809 Lamont Street, Johnson City, TN, 37604 (street)
P.O. Box 4000, Mountain Home, TN 37684 (mailing)
Vet Center: 633-0000
1645 Downtown West Blvd., #28, 37919
Individual and group counseling and psychotherapy for all veterans who were in a war zone, in combat or wounded – from WWII to present.
Veterans’ Affairs Knoxville Outpatient Clinic: 545-4592
8033 Ray Mears Boulevard, 37919
Medical and mental health services for veterans.
Veterans Crisis Line 988 (press 1) or text: 838255
Connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders. Do not have to be enrolled in VA benefits or healthcare to connect. Confidential toll-free hotline.
Veterans’ Upward Bound Programs: 974-2132
1914 Andy Holt, 25 HPER, University of Tennessee, 37996-2745
For veterans (low-income or first in family to go to college) who are potential college students, even if GED is needed first. Free services prepare for enrollment in vocational, technical, or college level. Must have been discharged from the military under conditions other than dishonorable. 100% free to Veterans and participants.