Council on Aging
The Knoxville-Knox County Council on Aging is the advisory body to the Office on Aging. Membership is open to organizations and individuals. Council meetings are held:
- On the second Thursday of each month (except July and August)
- At 2:30 p.m.
- At the O’Connor Center, 611 Winona Street.
- Meetings are open to the public and always include an informational program.
Please call 865-524-2786 to confirm a meeting date, especially if it is your first time attending. The public is invited and encouraged to attend meetings. However, only members may vote on issues before the council.
The Knoxville-Knox County Council on Aging (COA) is an independent 501(c)3 organization that serves as an advisory council to the Knoxville-Knox County CAC Office on Aging.
Purposes of the Council on Aging
- Identify the needs of older persons in Knox County and the resources necessary to meet those needs, including reviewing and recommending allocation of funds from the Older Americans Act for services in Knox County.
- Encourage groups and agencies to develop and extend services to meet the needs of older Knox Countians.
- Promote, encourage, and, when desirable, sponsor initiation of new services.
- Advocate for older Knox Countians and consult with other groups concerned with the needs of older citizens.
Benefits of Joining
Any senior adult or retiree group, community organization, or agency providing services to older people as well as any adult interested in senior issues in Knoxville or Knox County is eligible for membership. There are no dues or membership fees.
An elected Executive Committee handles the council business, but members have a voice at general meetings and vote on all important issues. The Executive Committee meets on the same day as the council meeting. The council meeting is held on the second Thursday of each month (except for July and August) but is subject to change. Meetings are usually held at the O’Connor Center. Please call 524-2786 to confirm.
General meetings feature programs focusing on pertinent issues to seniors. Individuals and group representatives are asked to bring concerns and ideas from their group or agency to the attention of the council.
2022 Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment Results Document