Legal Services
Community Mediation Center: 594-1879
P.O. Box 788, 37901 (mailing)
Assists Knox County residents in resolving disputes within families or with neighbors, businesses, or organizations.
Application fee. Mediation fees based on sliding scale. Elder Mediation: Mediators trained in Elder Mediation are available for disputes involving the aging community. Does not provide attorneys or legal advice.
Knoxville Bar Association: 522-6522
505 Main Street, Suite 50, 37902 (street)
P.O. Box 2027, 37901 (mailing)
Provides public education and legal advice clinics to help inform citizens about our justice system. LawLine Online (found at knoxbar.org) is a free online resource with general information on more than 70 topics.
Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS): 522-7501
Mon.-Fri., 9 am-5 pm. Call-in or online. LRIS staff provides referrals to private licensed and insured attorneys, or information and referral to other agencies where appropriate. There is no fee for the referral service or for a brief, confidential consultation. If client wishes to retain the attorney, he or she may do so at the attorney’s regular rate. LRIS does not offer income-based referrals.
Legal Aid of East Tennessee: 637-0484
607 W. Summit Hill Dr. SW, 37902
Free consultation and referral for Knox County residents age 60+. More services for low-income clients. Call to apply, Mon.- Fri., 9 am-5 pm. Appointments held at seniors centers and other locations throughout Knox County. Informational pamphlets on a variety of topics; speakers.
Public Guardianship Services: 691-2551
East TN Area Agency on Aging & Disability
9111 Cross Park Drive, Suite D-100, 37923
Enter extension 4218. Assists adults age 60+ determined by the courts to be unable to care for their own affairs and have no family, friends, or agency willing or able to serve as conservator.
Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services (TALS)
Help 4 TN: 1-844-435-7486
Statewide, non-profit legal help service. Licensed Tennessee attorneys offer free legal information (non-criminal) and referrals to Tennesseans via phone or the website, www.help4tn.org.
Tennessee Justice Center: 1-877-608-1009
Provides free legal help to Tennesseans to get vital health care and nutrition benefits. TJC can assist with issues related to TennCare, CHOICES, Medicare Savings Program, and SNAP, as well as help to see if you are eligible for insurance coverage or other health care resources.
The National Elder Law Foundation (NELF)
Certifies those lawyers who have enhanced knowledge, skills, experience, and proficiency to be properly identified to the public as certifed elder law attorneys (CELA). Attorneys must pass a rigorous national examination and meet character and experience standards. Local law firms that employ certified elder law attorneys (CELA) are listed below.
Elder Law of East Tennessee, PLLC: 951-2410
903 N. Hall of Fame Drive, 37917
Franklin & Kyle Elder Law, LLC: 588-3700
4931 Homberg Drive, 37919
Guyton & Frère: 694-0373
1001 E. Broadway, Lenoir City, 37771