Senior Information & Referral
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Senior Information & Referral provides information about services for older adults and persons with disabilities who live in Knoxville or Knox County. The agency also provides referrals to these services when needed. Our Inform USA Certified Community Resource Specialists in Aging and Disabilities (CRS-A/D) can help direct you to a variety of services including, but not limited to:
Health Services
Employment Services
Legal Services
Support Groups
Emergency Assistance
In-Home Services
Minor Home Repair
Older adults and their family members, area civic groups, social service agencies, church groups, and more are all welcome to call when looking for assistance. We are the place you can call when you don’t know who to call. To access services, call 865-546-6262 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Specialists are also available for in-person appointments at the Knoxville-Knox County Office on Aging or any of the Knox County Senior Centers. Call our office for dates and appointments. Inquiries can also be submitted via email to sir@knoxseniors.org. This service is provided free of charge and without regard to income, race, creed, color, or religion.
- Knox County
- City of Knoxville
- East Tennessee Area Agency on Aging & Disability/ Older Americans Act
- Knox County Office on Aging
- Community Support
John J. Duncan, Sr., Award for Senior Advocacy
This event is held each spring to honor a professional, an individual from the community, and a business that carries the spirit akin to the legacy of the late Representative John J. Duncan, Sr., who was an advocate for the seniors of the Second District. Nominees must reside, work, or volunteer in Knox County and exhibit outstanding advocacy for seniors and senior issues. Nominations are solicited from the public each fall and should be mailed to Duncan Award Nominee, SIR, P.O. Box 51650, Knoxville TN 37950-1650.
Watch the 22nd Annual Duncan Award for Senior Advocacy recorded on May 7, 2024, at Hunter Valley Farms. Honorees: Dan Hix, Dr. Monica Crane, and Dr. Joseph Tabery.
2023 – Honorees Bob Newman and Teresa Lawson
Watch the 21st Annual Duncan Awards recorded on May 9, 2023, at Hunter Valley Farms.
2022 – Honorees Gabrielle Blake and Cynthia Finch
Watch the 20th Annual Duncan Awards recorded on May 10, 2022, at Hunter Valley Farms.
2021 – Honorees Aaron Bradley & Vivian Underwood Shipe
Watch the 19th Annual Duncan Awards recorded on May 6, 2021, at Hunter Valley Farms.