Driver Safety
AAA: 637-1910
North: 6631 Clinton Hwy., Suite 113, 37912
West: 110 Capital Drive, 37922
Membership includes emergency roadside assistance, discounts on travel and retailers across the country.
Driver safety tips, travel, and insurance agency services available to members and non-members.
Roadwise Driver
Eight-hour driver-safety course offered online for members and nonmembers. Class may qualify driver for insurance discounts. Fee.
Comprehensive Driving Program: 331-3600
Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center
1901 Clinch Avenue, 37916
Offers objective evaluation of driving skills of people with physical and cognitive problems and, if possible, trains them to drive safely with adaptive equipment or alternative method. Requires a doctor’s prescription.
Driver Safety Program: 376-4691
AARP. Eight-hour driver-safety course offered periodically. Graduates may be entitled to insurance discounts. Fee. Classes available online at aarpdriversafety.org.
Phoenix Conversions: 670-4060
5915 Casey Drive, 37909
Vehicle modifications and adaptive equipment.
Superior Van & Mobility: 622-6550
10640 Braden Dickey Lane, 37932
Vehicle modifications and adaptive equipment. Wheelchair van rentals. Superiorvan.com.
Tennessee Yellow DOT Program
TN Department of Transportation
Free program provides first responders with medical information in an emergency. Participants receive a decal, folder, and medical information sheet. Photos are placed on sheets so each person in vehicle can be identified quickly. The decal is placed on the driver’s side rear window; the completed medical sheet is stored in the glove compartment. Enroll at any Knox County site listed below. Updated site listings can be found by searching “Yellow Dot” at tn.gov.
Knoxville AAA offices: 637-1910
- North: 6631 Clinton Hwy., Suite 113, 37912
- West: 110 Capital Drive, 37922
TN Highway Patrol: 594-5800
7601 Kingston Pike, 37919