Alcohol and Drug Problems
The following agencies and programs provide information, assessment, or treatment referral for substance-abuse issues. There are many local alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs.
AL-ANON: 525-9040
Provides information about meetings for anyone affected by another’s alcoholism or drinking. Answering machine provides volunteers’ phone numbers for more information. For meeting times and locations, visit knox-al-anon.org.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): 522-9667
Office: 9217 Park West Blvd., Suite B3, 37923
24/7 hotline. Meetings and 12-step program; all local meeting sites can be obtained from website: etiaa.org.
Metro Drug Coalition: 588-5550
4930 Lyons View Pike, 37919
Information, training and education, and referral service about alcohol and drug abuse. Free. Does not offer assessment or treatment.
Narcotics Anonymous: 1-844-409-3762
24-hour help line. Call for local meeting places.
NAR-ANON Family Groups: 1-800-477-6291
A 12-step program for family and friends of addicts. Call or visit the website nar-anon.org for meeting information.
Positively Living & Choice Health Network: 525-1540
1925 Ailor Ave., 37921
Harm Reduction which provides a syringe service exchange, naloxone, resources and referrals for people who use substances or are dealing with addiction.
Tennessee REDLINE: 1-800-889-9789
Provides alcohol, drug, problem gambling, and other addiction information and referrals to all citizens of Tennessee at their request. Can call or text.